
Module: API

No description.

Class: PopupCompleter(QFrame)

class PopupCompleter(QFrame):

No description.

Function: __init__() [at ln:740]

def __init__():

No description.

Function: _create_help_item(image, text) [at ln:830]

def _create_help_item(image, text):

No description.

Function: _repaint_items(current, previous) [at ln:751]

def _repaint_items(current, previous):

No description.

Function: add_help() [at ln:799]

def add_help():

No description.

Function: add_no_found() [at ln:793]

def add_no_found():
Load no results found message

Function: clear() [at ln:770]

def clear():
Remove all the items of the list (deleted), and reload the help.

Function: fetch_more(model) [at ln:787]

def fetch_more(model):
Add more items to the list on user scroll.

Function: refresh(model, has_text=True) [at ln:774]

def refresh(model, has_text=True):
Refresh the list when the user search for some word.

Function: reload(model) [at ln:761]

def reload(model):
Reload the data of the Popup Completer, and restart the state.

Class: LocateThread(QThread)

class LocateThread(QThread):

No description.

Function: __init__() [at ln:157]

def __init__():

No description.

Function: __locate_code_in_project(queue_folders, nproject) [at ln:219]

def __locate_code_in_project(queue_folders, nproject):

No description.

Function: __parse_attributes(symbols, results, file_path) [at ln:379]

def __parse_attributes(symbols, results, file_path):

No description.

Function: __parse_class(symbols, results, file_path) [at ln:354]

def __parse_class(symbols, results, file_path):

No description.

Function: __parse_functions(symbols, results, file_path) [at ln:386]

def __parse_functions(symbols, results, file_path):

No description.

Function: __parse_symbols(symbols, results, file_path) [at ln:346]

def __parse_symbols(symbols, results, file_path):

No description.

Function: _grep_file_locate(file_path, file_name) [at ln:318]

def _grep_file_locate(file_path, file_name):

No description.

Function: cancel() [at ln:407]

def cancel():

No description.

Function: convert_map_to_array() [at ln:312]

def convert_map_to_array():

No description.

Function: find(search, filePath, isVariable) [at ln:167]

def find(search, filePath, isVariable):

No description.

Function: find_code_location() [at ln:176]

def find_code_location():

No description.

Function: find_file_code_location(path) [at ln:185]

def find_file_code_location(path):

No description.

Function: get_locations() [at ln:292]

def get_locations():

No description.

Function: get_symbols_for_class(file_path, clazzName) [at ln:395]

def get_symbols_for_class(file_path, clazzName):

No description.

Function: get_this_file_locations(path) [at ln:298]

def get_this_file_locations(path):

No description.

Function: go_to_definition() [at ln:257]

def go_to_definition():

No description.

Function: locate_code() [at ln:199]

def locate_code():

No description.

Function: locate_file_code() [at ln:248]

def locate_file_code():

No description.

Function: run() [at ln:193]

def run():

No description.

Class: Locator(QObject)

class Locator(QObject):
This class is used Go To Definition feature.

Function: __init__() [at ln:84]

def __init__():

No description.

Function: _cleanup() [at ln:91]

def _cleanup():

No description.

Function: _load_results() [at ln:97]

def _load_results():

No description.

Function: get_classes_from_project(projectPath) [at ln:114]

def get_classes_from_project(projectPath):

No description.

Function: navigate_to(function, filePath, isVariable) [at ln:94]

def navigate_to(function, filePath, isVariable):

No description.

Class: LocateItem(QListWidgetItem)

class LocateItem(QListWidgetItem):
Create QListWidgetItem that contains the proper icon and file data.

Function: __init__(data) [at ln:466]

def __init__(data):

No description.

Class: LocateCompleter(QLineEdit)

class LocateCompleter(QLineEdit):

No description.

Function: __init__(parent) [at ln:508]

def __init__(parent):

No description.

Function: _advanced_filter(filterOptions) [at ln:620]

def _advanced_filter(filterOptions):

No description.

Function: _advanced_filter_by_file(filterOptions) [at ln:677]

def _advanced_filter_by_file(filterOptions):

No description.

Function: _create_list_widget_items(locations) [at ln:540]

def _create_list_widget_items(locations):
Create a list of items (using pages for results to speed up).

Function: _go_to_location(item) [at ln:719]

def _go_to_location(item):

No description.

Function: _open_item(data) [at ln:729]

def _open_item(data):
Open the item received.

Function: _refresh_filter() [at ln:686]

def _refresh_filter():

No description.

Function: complete() [at ln:533]

def complete():

No description.

Function: filter() [at ln:551]

def filter():

No description.

Function: focusOutEvent(event) [at ln:724]

def focusOutEvent(event):
Hide Popup on focus lost.

Function: keyPressEvent(event) [at ln:690]

def keyPressEvent(event):

No description.

Function: set_prefix(prefix) [at ln:528]

def set_prefix(prefix):
Set the prefix for the completer.

Class: CodeLocatorWidget(QWidget)

class CodeLocatorWidget(QWidget):

No description.

Function: __init__(parent) [at ln:415]

def __init__(parent):

No description.

Function: _cleanup() [at ln:437]

def _cleanup():

No description.

Function: explore_code() [at ln:440]

def explore_code():

No description.

Function: explore_file_code(path) [at ln:443]

def explore_file_code(path):

No description.

Function: setVisible(val) [at ln:449]

def setVisible(val):

No description.

Function: show_suggestions() [at ln:446]

def show_suggestions():

No description.

Class: ResultItem(object)

class ResultItem(object):
The Representation of each item found with the locator.

Function: __getitem__(index) [at ln:151]

def __getitem__(index):

No description.

Function: __init__(type=str, name=str, path=str, lineno=int) [at ln:128]

def __init__(type=str, name=str, path=str, lineno=int):

No description.

Function: __iter__() [at ln:147]

def __iter__():

No description.

Function: __len__() [at ln:144]

def __len__():

No description.

Function: __str__() [at ln:141]

def __str__():

No description.

Class: LocateWidget(QLabel)

class LocateWidget(QLabel):
Create a styled QLabel that will show the info.

Function: __init__(data) [at ln:475]

def __init__(data):

No description.

Function: set_not_selected() [at ln:496]

def set_not_selected():

No description.

Function: set_selected() [at ln:487]

def set_selected():

No description.

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