Module: API

No description.

Class: Console(InteractiveConsole)

class Console(InteractiveConsole):
Work as a Python Console.

Function: __init__() [at ln:69]

def __init__():

No description.

Function: get_output() [at ln:77]

def get_output():
Replace out and error channels with cache.

Function: get_type(var) [at ln:95]

def get_type(var):
Get the type of a variable.

Function: push(line) [at ln:87]

def push(line):
Insert a command into the console.

Function: return_output() [at ln:82]

def return_output():
Reassign the proper values to output and error channel.

Class: Cache(object)

class Cache(object):
Replace stdout and stderr behavior in order to collect outputs.

Function: __init__() [at ln:26]

def __init__():

No description.

Function: flush() [at ln:37]

def flush():
Join together all the outputs and return it to be displayed.

Function: reset() [at ln:29]

def reset():
Clean the cache.

Function: write(line) [at ln:33]

def write(line):
Collect the output into cache to be accesed later.

Class: ExitWrapper(object)

class ExitWrapper(object):
Wrap the built-in function exit in the interpreter.

Function: __call__(code=None) [at ln:48]

def __call__(code=None):

No description.

Function: __repr__() [at ln:51]

def __repr__():

No description.

Class: HelpWrapper(object)

class HelpWrapper(object):
Wrap the built-in function help in the interpreter.

Function: __call__(*args, **kwds) [at ln:58]

def __call__(*args, **kwds):

No description.

Function: __repr__() [at ln:62]

def __repr__():

No description.

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