Module: API

No description.

Class: CodeCompletion(object)

class CodeCompletion(object):

No description.

Function: __init__() [at ln:45]

def __init__():

No description.

Function: _search_for_completion_segment(token_code) [at ln:143]

def _search_for_completion_segment(token_code):

No description.

Function: _search_for_scope(token_code) [at ln:105]

def _search_for_scope(token_code):

No description.

Function: _tokenize_text(code) [at ln:88]

def _tokenize_text(code):

No description.

Function: analyze_file(path, source=None, indent=settings.INDENT, useTabs=settings.USE_TABS) [at ln:65]

def analyze_file(path, source=None, indent=settings.INDENT, useTabs=settings.USE_TABS):

No description.

Function: get_completion(code, offset) [at ln:195]

def get_completion(code, offset):

No description.

Function: get_prefix(code, offset) [at ln:182]

def get_prefix(code, offset):
Return the prefix of the word under the cursor and a boolean
saying if it is a valid completion area.

Function: unload_module() [at ln:62]

def unload_module():

No description.

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