Module: API

No description.

Class: OutputWidget(QPlainTextEdit)

class OutputWidget(QPlainTextEdit):

No description.

Function: __init__(parent) [at ln:250]

def __init__(parent):

No description.

Function: _parse_traceback(text) [at ln:338]

def _parse_traceback(text):
Parse a line of python traceback and returns
a tuple with (file_name, lineno)

Function: _refresh_error() [at ln:311]

def _refresh_error():
Read the error buffer from the process and append the text.

Function: _refresh_output() [at ln:301]

def _refresh_output():
Read the output buffer from the process and append the text.

Function: _scroll_area() [at ln:288]

def _scroll_area():
When new text is added to the widget, move the scroll to the end.

Function: contextMenuEvent(event) [at ln:350]

def contextMenuEvent(event):
Show a context menu for the Plain Text widget.

Function: go_to_error(event) [at ln:328]

def go_to_error(event):
Resolve the link and take the user to the error line.

Function: mousePressEvent(event) [at ln:293]

def mousePressEvent(event):
When the execution fail, allow to press the links in the traceback,
to go to the line when the error occur.

Class: RunWidget(QWidget)

class RunWidget(QWidget):
Widget that show the execution output in the Tool Dock.

Function: __init__() [at ln:51]

def __init__():

No description.

Function: __main_execution() [at ln:163]

def __main_execution():
Execute the project.

Function: __post_execution() [at ln:219]

def __post_execution():
Execute a script after executing the project.

Function: __post_execution_message() [at ln:234]

def __post_execution_message():
Print post execution message.

Function: __pre_execution() [at ln:202]

def __pre_execution():
Execute a script before executing the project.

Function: finish_execution(exitCode, exitStatus) [at ln:120]

def finish_execution(exitCode, exitStatus):
Print a message and hide the input line when the execution ends.

Function: insert_input() [at ln:140]

def insert_input():
Take the user input and send it to the process.

Function: kill_process() [at ln:243]

def kill_process():
Kill the running process.

Function: process_error(error) [at ln:103]

def process_error(error):
Listen to the error signals from the running process.

Function: set_font(family, size) [at ln:97]

def set_font(family, size):

No description.

Function: start_process(fileName, pythonPath=False, PYTHONPATH=None, programParams=str, preExec=str, postExec=str) [at ln:148]

def start_process(fileName, pythonPath=False, PYTHONPATH=None, programParams=str, preExec=str, postExec=str):
Prepare the output widget and start the process.
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