
Module: API

No description.

Class: ConsoleWidget(QPlainTextEdit)

class ConsoleWidget(QPlainTextEdit):

No description.

Function: __init__() [at ln:65]

def __init__():

No description.

Function: _add_history(command) [at ln:503]

def _add_history(command):

No description.

Function: _add_prompt(incomplete=False) [at ln:459]

def _add_prompt(incomplete=False):

No description.

Function: _add_system_path_for_frozen() [at ln:122]

def _add_system_path_for_frozen():

No description.

Function: _backspace(event) [at ln:249]

def _backspace(event):

No description.

Function: _check_event_on_selection(event) [at ln:206]

def _check_event_on_selection(event):

No description.

Function: _clean_console() [at ln:187]

def _clean_console():

No description.

Function: _copy_console_content() [at ln:196]

def _copy_console_content():

No description.

Function: _copy_history() [at ln:191]

def _copy_history():

No description.

Function: _create_context_menu() [at ln:147]

def _create_context_menu():

No description.

Function: _cut() [at ln:178]

def _cut():

No description.

Function: _down_pressed(event) [at ln:241]

def _down_pressed(event):

No description.

Function: _enter_pressed(event) [at ln:216]

def _enter_pressed(event):

No description.

Function: _get_cursor_position() [at ln:467]

def _get_cursor_position():

No description.

Function: _get_next_history_entry() [at ln:514]

def _get_next_history_entry():

No description.

Function: _get_prev_history_entry() [at ln:508]

def _get_prev_history_entry():

No description.

Function: _home_pressed(event) [at ln:224]

def _home_pressed(event):

No description.

Function: _left_pressed(event) [at ln:231]

def _left_pressed(event):

No description.

Function: _match_braces(position, brace, forward) [at ln:424]

def _match_braces(position, brace, forward):

Function: _paste() [at ln:182]

def _paste():

No description.

Function: _python_path_detected() [at ln:128]

def _python_path_detected():

No description.

Function: _read() [at ln:500]

def _read():

No description.

Function: _resolve_completion_argument() [at ln:317]

def _resolve_completion_argument():

No description.

Function: _set_command(command) [at ln:486]

def _set_command(command):

No description.

Function: _tab_pressed(event) [at ln:220]

def _tab_pressed(event):

No description.

Function: _text_under_cursor() [at ln:408]

def _text_under_cursor():

No description.

Function: _up_pressed(event) [at ln:234]

def _up_pressed(event):

No description.

Function: _write(line) [at ln:497]

def _write(line):

No description.

Function: _write_command() [at ln:470]

def _write_command():

No description.

Function: apply_editor_style() [at ln:532]

def apply_editor_style():

No description.

Function: contextMenuEvent(event) [at ln:494]

def contextMenuEvent(event):

No description.

Function: get_selection(posStart, posEnd) [at ln:413]

def get_selection(posStart, posEnd):

No description.

Function: highlight_current_line() [at ln:342]

def highlight_current_line():

No description.

Function: keyPressEvent(event) [at ln:269]

def keyPressEvent(event):

No description.

Function: load_project_into_console(projectFolder) [at ln:546]

def load_project_into_console(projectFolder):
Load the projectFolder received into the sys.path.

Function: process_error(error) [at ln:135]

def process_error(error):

No description.

Function: restyle() [at ln:524]

def restyle():

No description.

Function: setCursorPosition(position, mode=QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) [at ln:201]

def setCursorPosition(position, mode=QTextCursor.MoveAnchor):

No description.

Function: set_font(family=settings.FONT_FAMILY, size=settings.FONT_SIZE) [at ln:143]

def set_font(family=settings.FONT_FAMILY, size=settings.FONT_SIZE):

No description.

Function: unload_project_from_console(projectFolder) [at ln:550]

def unload_project_from_console(projectFolder):
Unload the project from the system path.
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