
Module: API

No description.

Class: TabNavigator(QWidget)

class TabNavigator(QWidget):

No description.

Function: __init__() [at ln:467]

def __init__():

No description.

Function: _show_bookmarks() [at ln:516]

def _show_bookmarks():

No description.

Function: _show_breakpoints() [at ln:524]

def _show_breakpoints():

No description.

Function: _show_code_nav() [at ln:532]

def _show_code_nav():

No description.

Function: contextMenuEvent(event) [at ln:510]

def contextMenuEvent(event):

No description.

Function: show_menu_navigation() [at ln:513]

def show_menu_navigation():

No description.

Class: TabWidget(QTabWidget)

class TabWidget(QTabWidget):
splitTab(QTabWidget, int, bool)
syntaxChanged(QWidget, QString)
navigateCode(bool, int)

Function: __init__(parent) [at ln:70]

def __init__(parent):

No description.

Function: _add_to_last_opened(path) [at ln:103]

def _add_to_last_opened(path):

No description.

Function: _add_to_project() [at ln:394]

def _add_to_project():

No description.

Function: _check_unsaved_tabs() [at ln:422]

def _check_unsaved_tabs():
Check if are there any unsaved tab
Returns True or False

Function: _close_all_tabs() [at ln:412]

def _close_all_tabs():

No description.

Function: _close_all_tabs_except_this() [at ln:416]

def _close_all_tabs_except_this():

No description.

Function: _copy_file_location() [at ln:408]

def _copy_file_location():

No description.

Function: _create_menu_syntax(menuSyntax) [at ln:377]

def _create_menu_syntax(menuSyntax):

No description.

Function: _file_changed(change_type, file_path) [at ln:203]

def _file_changed(change_type, file_path):

No description.

Function: _navigate_code(val) [at ln:99]

def _navigate_code(val):

No description.

Function: _prompt_reload(editorWidget, change) [at ln:185]

def _prompt_reload(editorWidget, change):

No description.

Function: _reapply_syntax(syntaxAction) [at ln:385]

def _reapply_syntax(syntaxAction):

No description.

Function: _reopen_last_tab() [at ln:400]

def _reopen_last_tab():

No description.

Function: _run_this_file() [at ln:391]

def _run_this_file():

No description.

Function: _split_this_tab(orientation) [at ln:404]

def _split_this_tab(orientation):

No description.

Function: add_tab(widget, title, index=None) [at ln:111]

def add_tab(widget, title, index=None):

No description.

Function: change_open_tab_name(index, newName) [at ln:458]

def change_open_tab_name(index, newName):
Change the name of the tab at index, for the newName.

Function: change_tab() [at ln:446]

def change_tab():

No description.

Function: change_tab_reverse() [at ln:452]

def change_tab_reverse():

No description.

Function: check_for_external_modifications(editorWidget) [at ln:223]

def check_for_external_modifications(editorWidget):

No description.

Function: close_tab() [at ln:306]

def close_tab():

No description.

Function: expand_tab_name(title) [at ln:126]

def expand_tab_name(title):
Expand the tab title to differentiate files with the same name.

The way it is currently implemented, it will only change the first
conflicting title passed in, because it only searches until the new
title isn't in the tab titles.

Function: focusInEvent(event) [at ln:170]

def focusInEvent(event):

No description.

Function: get_documents_data() [at ln:309]

def get_documents_data():
Return Editors: path, project, cursor position

Function: get_recent_files_list() [at ln:96]

def get_recent_files_list():

No description.

Function: get_unsaved_files() [at ln:435]

def get_unsaved_files():
Returns a list with the tabText of the unsaved files

Function: is_open(identifier) [at ln:239]

def is_open(identifier):
Check if a Tab with id = identifier is open

Function: mousePressEvent(event) [at ln:320]

def mousePressEvent(event):

No description.

Function: move_to_open(identifier) [at ln:246]

def move_to_open(identifier):
Set the selected Tab for the widget with id = identifier

Function: removeTab(index) [at ln:267]

def removeTab(index):
Remove the Tab at the selected index and check if the
widget was modified and need to execute any saving

Function: remove_title(index) [at ln:253]

def remove_title(index):
Looks for the title of the tab at index and removes it from
self.titles, if it's there.'

Function: setTabText(index, text) [at ln:301]

def setTabText(index, text):

No description.

Function: tab_was_modified(val) [at ln:161]

def tab_was_modified(val):

No description.

Function: tab_was_saved(ed) [at ln:232]

def tab_was_saved(ed):

No description.

Function: update_current_widget() [at ln:259]

def update_current_widget():
Sets the focus to the current widget. If this is the last tab in the
current split, the allTabsClosed() signal is emitted.'
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