
Module: API

No description.

Class: ProjectItem(QTreeWidgetItem)

class ProjectItem(QTreeWidgetItem):

No description.

Function: __init__(parent, name, path, isFolder=False) [at ln:761]

def __init__(parent, name, path, isFolder=False):

No description.

Function: __lt__(otherItem) [at ln:784]

def __lt__(otherItem):

No description.

Function: get_full_path() [at ln:775]

def get_full_path():
Returns the full path of the file

Function: isProject() [at ln:767]

def isProject():

No description.


  • property

Function: lang() [at ln:772]

def lang():

No description.

Function: set_item_icon(icon) [at ln:781]

def set_item_icon(icon):

No description.

Class: ProjectTree(QTreeWidgetItem)

class ProjectTree(QTreeWidgetItem):

No description.

Function: __init__(parent, project) [at ln:795]

def __init__(parent, project):

No description.

Function: get_full_path() [at ln:820]

def get_full_path():
Returns the full path of the project

Function: isProject() [at ln:810]

def isProject():

No description.


  • property

Function: lang() [at ln:815]

def lang():

No description.

Function: update_paths() [at ln:806]

def update_paths():

No description.

Class: FoldingContextMenu(QMenu)

class FoldingContextMenu(QMenu):
This class represents a menu for Folding/Unfolding task

Function: __init__(tree) [at ln:832]

def __init__(tree):

No description.

Function: _fold_all_projects() [at ln:871]

def _fold_all_projects():
Fold all projects

Function: _fold_unfold_project(expand) [at ln:858]

def _fold_unfold_project(expand):
Fold the current project

Function: _recursive_fold_unfold(item, expand) [at ln:851]

def _recursive_fold_unfold(item, expand):

No description.

Function: _unfold_all_projects() [at ln:877]

def _unfold_all_projects():
Unfold all project

Class: TreeProjectsWidget(QTreeWidget)

class TreeProjectsWidget(QTreeWidget):

Function: __init__(state_index=function()) [at ln:88]

def __init__(state_index=function()):

No description.

Function: _add_context_menu_for_files(menu, item) [at ln:270]

def _add_context_menu_for_files(menu, item):

No description.

Function: _add_context_menu_for_folders(menu, item) [at ln:246]

def _add_context_menu_for_folders(menu, item):

No description.

Function: _add_context_menu_for_root(menu, item) [at ln:205]

def _add_context_menu_for_root(menu, item):

No description.

Function: _add_new_file() [at ln:430]

def _add_new_file():

No description.

Function: _add_new_folder() [at ln:475]

def _add_new_folder():

No description.

Function: _add_project_to_console() [at ln:301]

def _add_project_to_console():

No description.

Function: _callback_refresh_project(value) [at ln:390]

def _callback_refresh_project(value):

No description.

Function: _clean_threads() [at ln:379]

def _clean_threads():

No description.

Function: _close_open_projects() [at ln:735]

def _close_open_projects():

No description.

Function: _close_project() [at ln:400]

def _close_project():

No description.

Function: _copy_file() [at ln:552]

def _copy_file():

No description.

Function: _create_init() [at ln:417]

def _create_init():

No description.

Function: _delete_file() [at ln:494]

def _delete_file():

No description.

Function: _delete_folder() [at ln:509]

def _delete_folder():

No description.

Function: _edit_ui_file() [at ln:613]

def _edit_ui_file():

No description.

Function: _get_file_icon(fileName) [at ln:690]

def _get_file_icon(fileName):

No description.

Function: _get_project_root(item=None) [at ln:320]

def _get_project_root(item=None):

No description.

Function: _item_collapsed(tree_item) [at ln:128]

def _item_collapsed(tree_item):
Store status of item when collapsed

Function: _item_expanded(tree_item) [at ln:136]

def _item_expanded(tree_item):
Store status of item when expanded

Function: _load_folder(folderStructure, folder, parentItem) [at ln:664]

def _load_folder(folderStructure, folder, parentItem):
Load the Tree Project structure recursively.

Function: _menu_context_tree(point) [at ln:168]

def _menu_context_tree(point):

No description.

Function: _move_file() [at ln:581]

def _move_file():

No description.

Function: _open_file(item, column) [at ln:313]

def _open_file(item, column):

No description.

Function: _refresh_project(item=None) [at ln:361]

def _refresh_project(item=None):

No description.

Function: _refresh_project_by_path(event, folder) [at ln:345]

def _refresh_project_by_path(event, folder):

No description.

Function: _remove_project_from_console() [at ln:307]

def _remove_project_from_console():

No description.

Function: _rename_file() [at ln:520]

def _rename_file():

No description.

Function: _set_current_project(path) [at ln:729]

def _set_current_project(path):

No description.

Function: _timeout() [at ln:338]

def _timeout():

No description.

Function: add_existing_file(path) [at ln:457]

def add_existing_file(path):

No description.

Function: add_extra_menu(menu, lang=str) [at ln:146]

def add_extra_menu(menu, lang=str):
Add an extra menu for the given language
@lang: string with the form 'py', 'php', 'json', etc

Function: add_extra_menu_by_scope(menu, scope) [at ln:156]

def add_extra_menu_by_scope(menu, scope):
Add an extra menu for the given language
@scope: string with the menu scope (all, project, folder, item)

Function: get_item_for_path(path) [at ln:694]

def get_item_for_path(path):

No description.

Function: get_open_projects() [at ln:722]

def get_open_projects():

No description.

Function: get_project_by_name(projectName) [at ln:702]

def get_project_by_name(projectName):
Return the name of the project item based on the project name.

Function: get_selected_project_lang() [at ln:718]

def get_selected_project_lang():

No description.

Function: get_selected_project_path() [at ln:709]

def get_selected_project_path():

No description.

Function: get_selected_project_type() [at ln:714]

def get_selected_project_type():

No description.

Function: is_open(path) [at ln:725]

def is_open(path):

No description.

Function: keyPressEvent(event) [at ln:743]

def keyPressEvent(event):

No description.

Function: load_project(folderStructure, folder) [at ln:638]

def load_project(folderStructure, folder):

No description.

Function: loading_project(folder, reload_item=None) [at ln:623]

def loading_project(folder, reload_item=None):

No description.

Function: open_project_properties() [at ln:333]

def open_project_properties():

No description.

Function: remove_loading_icon(folder) [at ln:632]

def remove_loading_icon(folder):

No description.

Function: set_default_project(item) [at ln:327]

def set_default_project(item):

No description.

Function: shutdown() [at ln:143]

def shutdown():

No description.

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