
Module: API

No description.

Global Functions:

Function: create_editor(neditable, syntax=None) [at ln:1224]

def create_editor(neditable, syntax=None):

No description.

Class: Editor(QPlainTextEdit, itab_item.ITabItem)

class Editor(QPlainTextEdit, itab_item.ITabItem):
locateFunction(QString, QString, bool) [functionName, filePath, isVariable]
checksFound(QPlainTextEdit, PyQt_PyObject)
cursorPositionChange(int, int) #row, col

Function: __auto_indent(event) [at ln:762]

def __auto_indent(event):

No description.

Function: __backspace(event) [at ln:655]

def __backspace(event):

No description.

Function: __brace_completion(event) [at ln:748]

def __brace_completion(event):
Indicate if this symbol is part of a given pair and needs to be

Function: __complete_braces(event) [at ln:791]

def __complete_braces(event):
Complete () [] and {} using a mild inteligence to see if corresponds
and also do some more magic such as complete in classes and functions.

Function: __complete_quotes(event) [at ln:831]

def __complete_quotes(event):
Completion for single and double quotes, which since are simmetrical
symbols used for different things can not be balanced as easily as
braces or equivalent.

Function: __fancyMoveCursor(operation, repeat=int, moveMode=QTextCursor.MoveAnchor) [at ln:1030]

def __fancyMoveCursor(operation, repeat=int, moveMode=QTextCursor.MoveAnchor):
Move the cursor a given number of times (with or without
anchoring), just a helper given the less than practical way qt
has for such a common operation

Function: __get_abs_position_on_text(text, position) [at ln:1018]

def __get_abs_position_on_text(text, position):
tokens give us position of char in a given line, we need
such position relative to the beginning of the text, also we need
to add the number of lines, since our split removes the newlines
which are counted as a character in the editor

Function: __get_encoding() [at ln:217]

def __get_encoding():
Get the current encoding of 'utf-8' otherwise.

Function: __home_pressed(event) [at ln:668]

def __home_pressed(event):

No description.

Function: __ignore_extended_line(event) [at ln:687]

def __ignore_extended_line(event):

No description.

Function: __init__(neditable) [at ln:93]

def __init__(neditable):

No description.

Function: __insert_indentation(event) [at ln:646]

def __insert_indentation(event):

No description.

Function: __quot_completion(event) [at ln:713]

def __quot_completion(event):
Indicate if this is some sort of quote that needs to be completed
This is a very simple boolean table, given that quotes are a
simmetrical symbol, is a little more cumbersome guessing the completion

Function: __retreat_to_keywords(event) [at ln:201]

def __retreat_to_keywords(event):
Unindent some kind of blocks if needed.

Function: __reverse_select_text_portion_from_offset(begin, end) [at ln:699]

def __reverse_select_text_portion_from_offset(begin, end):
Backwards select text, go from current+begin to current - end
possition, returns text

Function: __set_encoding(encoding) [at ln:223]

def __set_encoding(encoding):
Set the current encoding.

Function: __set_selection_from_pair(begin, end) [at ln:691]

def __set_selection_from_pair(begin, end):
Set the current editor cursor with a selection from a given pair of

Function: __tokenize_text(text) [at ln:1039]

def __tokenize_text(text):

No description.

Function: _file_saved(undoAvailable=False) [at ln:346]

def _file_saved(undoAvailable=False):

No description.

Function: _find_occurrences() [at ln:443]

def _find_occurrences():

No description.

Function: _match_braces(position, brace, forward) [at ln:1050]

def _match_braces(position, brace, forward):
Return the position to hilight of the matching brace

Function: _show_tab_icon_notification() [at ln:279]

def _show_tab_icon_notification():

No description.

Function: _text_under_cursor() [at ln:872]

def _text_under_cursor():

No description.

Function: _unfold_blocks_for_jump(lineno) [at ln:450]

def _unfold_blocks_for_jump(lineno):
Unfold the blocks previous to the lineno.

Function: _update_file_metadata(val) [at ln:256]

def _update_file_metadata(val):
Update the info of bookmarks, breakpoint and checkers.

Function: _update_margin_line(font=None) [at ln:487]

def _update_margin_line(font=None):

No description.

Function: additional_builtins() [at ln:194]

def additional_builtins():

No description.


  • property

Function: apply_editor_style() [at ln:333]

def apply_editor_style():

No description.

Function: async_highlight() [at ln:1184]

def async_highlight():

No description.

Function: complete_declaration() [at ln:777]

def complete_declaration():

No description.

Function: contextMenuEvent(event) [at ln:900]

def contextMenuEvent(event):

No description.

Function: cursor_inside_comment() [at ln:412]

def cursor_inside_comment():

No description.

Function: cursor_inside_string() [at ln:401]

def cursor_inside_string():

No description.

Function: display_name() [at ln:177]

def display_name():

No description.


  • property

Function: dropEvent(event) [at ln:977]

def dropEvent(event):

No description.

Function: find_match(word, flags, findNext=False) [at ln:570]

def find_match(word, flags, findNext=False):

No description.

Function: focusInEvent(event) [at ln:625]

def focusInEvent(event):

No description.

Function: focusOutEvent(event) [at ln:635]

def focusOutEvent(event):
Hide Popup on focus lost.

Function: get_cursor_position() [at ln:505]

def get_cursor_position():

No description.

Function: get_lines_count() [at ln:395]

def get_lines_count():
Returns the count of lines in the editor

Function: get_parent_project() [at ln:502]

def get_parent_project():

No description.

Function: get_selection(posStart, posEnd) [at ln:1007]

def get_selection(posStart, posEnd):

No description.

Function: get_text() [at ln:389]

def get_text():
Returns all the plain text of the editor

Function: go_to_definition(cursor=None) [at ln:986]

def go_to_definition(cursor=None):

No description.

Function: go_to_line(lineno) [at ln:458]

def go_to_line(lineno):
Go to an specific line

Function: highlight_current_line() [at ln:1081]

def highlight_current_line():

No description.

Function: highlight_selected_word(word_find=None) [at ln:1167]

def highlight_selected_word(word_find=None):

No description.

Function: indent_less() [at ln:538]

def indent_less():

No description.

Function: indent_more() [at ln:514]

def indent_more():

No description.

Function: insert_new_line() [at ln:782]

def insert_new_line():

No description.

Function: jump_to_line(lineno=None) [at ln:427]

def jump_to_line(lineno=None):
Jump to a specific line number or ask to the user for the line

Function: keyPressEvent(event) [at ln:851]

def keyPressEvent(event):

No description.

Function: load_project_config() [at ln:181]

def load_project_config():

No description.

Function: mouseMoveEvent(event) [at ln:926]

def mouseMoveEvent(event):

No description.

Function: mousePressEvent(event) [at ln:959]

def mousePressEvent(event):

No description.

Function: mouseReleaseEvent(event) [at ln:972]

def mouseReleaseEvent(event):

No description.

Function: paintEvent(event) [at ln:880]

def paintEvent(event):

No description.

Function: project() [at ln:173]

def project():

No description.


  • property

Function: register_syntax(lang=str, syntax=None) [at ln:353]

def register_syntax(lang=str, syntax=None):

No description.

Function: replace_match(wordOld, wordNew, flags, allwords=False, selection=False) [at ln:586]

def replace_match(wordOld, wordNew, flags, allwords=False, selection=False):
Find if searched text exists and replace it with new one.
If there is a selection just do it inside it and exit.

Function: resizeEvent(event) [at ln:640]

def resizeEvent(event):

No description.

Function: restyle(syntaxLang=None) [at ln:298]

def restyle(syntaxLang=None):

No description.

Function: set_cursor_position(pos) [at ln:508]

def set_cursor_position(pos):

No description.

Function: set_flags() [at ln:229]

def set_flags():
Set some configuration flags for the Editor.

Function: set_font(family=settings.FONT_FAMILY, size=settings.FONT_SIZE) [at ln:422]

def set_font(family=settings.FONT_FAMILY, size=settings.FONT_SIZE):

No description.

Function: set_id(id_) [at ln:251]

def set_id(id_):

No description.

Function: set_tab_usage() [at ln:244]

def set_tab_usage():
Update tab stop width and margin line.

Function: to_lower() [at ln:1200]

def to_lower():

No description.

Function: to_title() [at ln:1212]

def to_title():

No description.

Function: to_upper() [at ln:1188]

def to_upper():

No description.

Function: wheelEvent(event, forward=True) [at ln:891]

def wheelEvent(event, forward=True):

No description.

Function: zoom_in() [at ln:469]

def zoom_in():

No description.

Function: zoom_out() [at ln:478]

def zoom_out():

No description.

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